Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm off!!!

Okay, I'm going to Las Vegas, like this very minute (we're waiting on Robin, who is running late -- all who are surprised?). I just looked through the results of the Ugly Picture Challenge, and I am quite impressed. Can't wait to get back on Sunday . . . so I can come up with clever captions and such.
Viva ugly picture challenge.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Jen's Clever Ugly Picture Challenge

I hereby challenge you to find the most unflattering picture you have of yourself and post it on your blog.
The rules are:
1. Post an ugly picture of yourself,
2. Don't post ugly pictures of your unsuspecting friends, and
3. Everyone who comments on the Ugly Picture Post must come up with a clever caption that fits your picture.
Here's mine, although I think Becca has an uglier one of me somewhere:
Let the ugliness and cleverness begin!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Yesterday, Chris brought home "Marshmallow Mateys." It's basically generic Lucky Charms in a bag, but it's very fun to throw into conversation. "Boy, I could really use some Marshmallow Mateys right now." "Are there any more Marshmallow Mateys left?" "I can't wait to get home and devour a great big bowl of Marshmallow Mateys."

Try it at home. You don't even have to have Marshmallow Mateys on the premises in order to toss the name into casual conversation. Trust me, much hilarity will ensue.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


The tone-deaf baritone was not Becca, nor was said baritone connected to Becca in any way, shape, or form, nor was said baritone employed by or affiliated with any companies or corporations owned by Becca.

It wasn't Becca.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Yes, it's that time again . . . the men's district barbershop competition in Chattanooga, TN. Once again, I find myself surrounded by men in matching suits, who are standing around in little circles, one ear plugged, singing tags about girls in gingham gowns and the South.

I am forced to admit that this year I actually participated in the tag singing. My "circle" included myself, two rather inebriated girls that I know from my region, and a tone-deaf baritone.

Good times.